Great Linux Freebies for VA Indians
Virginia Indians are a smart bunch when it comes to technology, right?
We know Windows and Mac are not the only software games in town.
In this section, we'll introduce you to great Linux Operating Systems and application software.

Linux Mint, Ubuntu and CentOS
Linux Mint, Ubuntu and CentOS are three popular, free Linux operating systems.If you're new to Linux, we suggest you start your Linux journey with Linux Mint. The current version is Linux Mint 18.3 (Sylvia).
Linux Mint runs well on older PCs and laptops as well.
Ubuntu is a popular Linux distribution with a huge fan following. The current LTS (Long Term Support) Ubuntu desktop OS is 16.04.
CentOS 7 (the free version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux) is a solid Linux OS for both servers and desktops.
Linus Torvalds, the founder of Linux, is said to use CentOS as his main OS.
KeePassX for Password Management
Even Einstein would be stumped by the need to remember so many passwords.Remembering passwords for your bank account, Facebook login, Twitter, e-mail, Netflix, etc., is impossible for even those with high Mensa scores.
This is where KeePassX comes into the picture.
An open source software application, KeyPass simplifies the process of password management.
With KeePassX you need to remember just one master password.
By the way, KeepasX includes a strong password generator as well for your e-mail, Netflix, bank account and other logins.
If you're using KeePassX on Linux, it comes with features for auto-type login as well.
VirtualBox is is a free virtualization software from Oracle.You may wonder what exactly is Virtualization?
Virtualization lets you run multiple operating systems on the same PC simultaneously.
You can run Windows as the Host OS and Linux or Mac OS as the Guest OS, or vice versa.
CherryTree for Notes
All of us need a good Notes application these days.If you're looking for a notes app, keep CherryTree high on your list.
A multi platform notes application, CherryTree is very user-friendly and robust.
CherryTree also supports rich text and html.
QuiteRSS Feeds
If you're the kind to look at multiple news sources, then a good Feeds application is for you.Feeds application makes news and blog post come to you rather than you going to many individual sites.
QuiteRSS is one of our favorite Feed applications and we strongly recommend it.
Thunderbird for E-Mail
Without e-mail, the world would come to a halt.Thunderbird has always struck us a stellar e-mail client.
This e-mail application is easy to use and works on both RPM (CentOS, RedHat, Fedora, etc.) and Debian distributions of Linux (Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Debian, etc.).
FileZilla for FTP
FileZilla is a good FTP (File Transfer Protocol) if you upload images or make frequent changes to your web site.Like the other software listed on this page, FileZilla is also free.